The lost episode of courage the cowardley dog

We all know the show Courage The Cowardly Dog the love able pink dog who saves the day, but there’s a dark side that was so creepy that the episode was banned,
until now.I was watching Courage The Cowardly Dog one evening till i came across this one comment it read “Did u know that there’s a banned episode of this show i will pay 5000$ if some one finds it” i was soon desperate to find this episode that he was talking about.I searched for it all over never found it but soon when  i was about to give up i found it the lost episode i was so happy i found it i clicked on the link then a flash of Courage with black eyes and his fur was stained with blood, I just thought it was just a glitch then the video came up i clicked on it, it started out with the use all opening then after, it courage apread but he was more creepy looking,he then walked other to Muriel u know that woman from the show he took out a knife and then stabbed it right in Muriel heart, blood was spraying all other the dog as he stabbed Muriel then he walked in the kitchen where Eustace was in the kitchen shaking he grabed out a gun and started to shoot but courage kept walking to him with the knife he took the gun and said “He he he whos scared now” then boom went the gun the bullet went to Eustace’s skull, then courage came up to the screen and said “BOOGA BOOGA HE HE HE I’M COMING FOR U” Then my laptop then suddenly crashed i was horrified the love able courage became my worst nightmare when i turned round i saw a gun on my bed i picked it up looked at it, it was the same gun in that episode